To my parents, Sindhu Mendake and Sudhakar Mendake
To Dr Tirtha Mendake, my warrior princess,
To Dr Bhagwat Mendake,
To Nuzhat Anwar, my Mitra
To Vaishali Jambhekar
To Riteen Awasthi, for being the rock I needed
To Hakuna Matata, you made me look good, you made me be better
To Aloha, that I was chosen by your highness
To Totto Chaan, my precious friend, philosopher, and guide
With you, I knew who I am. Every me must have you to find ways around the mess me creates
To every book, film, music, painting and picture that raised my experience, cruising me closer to myself
To those who are clueless about their contribution –
To those who rejected me, refused to take my calls, and those who saw me embarrass myself. An audience is always a privilege
To all those who came and left scars. Thanks for leaving!
To that relentless Voice inside my head
To my Desire to experience life on my terms. Courage was circumstantial, Desire was primary
To the Force inside me
To my Shame and Inquiry, that resolves to undo itself
To my Ignorance that denies me the wisdom of knowing my place
To ME for allowing to be Me!
To all those people who permitted me to be a part of their lives.
For you, my readers, who have chosen to share it.
To Death, the intrigue fuels my adventures
Cheers to the distance between the as it is and the as it could be, so much can be lived in the between!